I applied for a new office job. I figured I've got experience and education and that it should be a given that I get the position. PLUS, I date the boss, so he would automactically want me to be his Calgary Office Assistant.
BUT...........to my horror someone else got the position. It was given to a petite, young chick. Can you imagine that?

The petite, young chick is Skye-Blue. She is running the photocopier machine.

This is Skye-Blue getting ready to leave as it is lunch time.
The reason Skye got the position is she can proof-read the copies as they are being printed! I think she may have taken a speed reading course! :)
Now that you have left the Calgary Office, I will be man-ing the phones and office equipment.
Oh by the way........I fired your petite,young chick, assistant. All she wanted to do was play with the paper, the paper clips and office equipment, and sleep on the job. Then she demanded many lunch breaks. Next thing you know...she will be drinking coffee too.
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