Thursday, August 31, 2006
Hint: "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime." Take a wild guess.
Hint: It has to do with cars and movies. Take a wild guess.
Hope you all have a safe and fun filled weekend.
Happy Birthday Michelle and Dawn.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Paul Tracy finished 2nd. Way to go PT!!!
A.J. was winning on the start of Sunday's race. Monday A.J. had mechanical problems and did not finish...........DNF..........ahhhh.
The fans in Montreal either cheered for PT or booed him. PT decided to have fun with the fans, so he showed up for the Driver's Parade in costume.

Paul Tracy is having the time of his life this weekend, reveling in the controversy surrounding his feud with Sebastien Bourdais and the hostile reception he’s received from Montreal’s Francophile fans. After waving to the jeering throngs yesterday, Tracy arrived in the pits for qualifying this afternoon wearing a blue “Montreal, Province of Quebec” cap topped-off by a pair of “bunny ears” sporting spring-mounted fleur de lis emblems.
"I’m having fun," Tracy smiled amid a throng of reporters, television camera persons and photographers. “More importantly, the fans are having fun. That’s what it’s all about. They get to yell and hoot and holler at me, and I don’t mind. Heck, this is racing. It’s not curing cancer, it’s not Formula 1. It’s supposed to be fun and the fans are allowed to have fun.”
Thursday, August 24, 2006
We have 3 Canadian drivers in the race.

Paul hero.
Car #3.
Andrew Ranger.
Car #27.
Alex Tagliani.
Car #15.
Race track.
Monday, August 21, 2006

On her cat house.
With a toy.
Sharilin came over for a visit and tried to steal Skye-Blue. Busted!!!
Rocky on the patio. Skye-Blue on the inside of the patio door.
Last Wednesday my brother and his family came to visit. We all went out for dinner @ Moxies. My poor nephew Tommy, was hit with a flu bug and up chucked during our meal. He was sick for 24 hours then he was good again. Thanks for coming to visit us.
On Friday my sister and brother-in-law came to spend the weekend with us. Sadly enough I had to work while they were here. We had some time to visit, shop for a corvette, and cruise in their mustang.
Da Prince was our personal chef. He made dinners for my sister and hubby while I was at work. Thank you for your culinary skills.
My sister works in a flower warehouse in Saskatoon. She always brings me 2 dozen flowers when she comes for a visit. She brought me 2 dozen pink carnations. Lucky me.
Monday, August 14, 2006
The Adventurous Trip To Pick Up the New Kitty The Day After My Experience At The Airport
Da Prince and his Princess at the Cattery.
Princess Senior and Princess Junior.........ahhhhh so cute.
I love my house. It is my favorite hiding place. I love traveling in the car in my house.
Hello......Look at me.......upside down.
Flowers are fun to play with.
After picking the kitty up at the Cattery, we headed over to see the kids. We brought along some chocolate goodies to share with everyone.
Which chocolate square to choose?
Oh so good.
We did have pizza and coke to go with the Chocolate binge. Thank you for entertaining us and letting our kitten in for a visit.
It was my lucky day to be traveling on a jet this past Thursday. Total chaos!!! All passengers were told they could not carry liquids in their carry-ons. You big deal. Imagine that you did not know what was going on when you checked in at the airport. The airport agents took away toothpaste, make-up, shaving kits, lip gloss, perfume, pop, water bottles, hair gel, shampoo, etc. You get off the plane and you have not toiletries. You have to go shopping as soon as you hop off your plane.
I was lucky, I had seen the news prior to hopping on the jet. I had everything in my checked luggage. But I was worried that the glass bottles of perfume and liquid make-up would be broken on arrival. All glass bottles made it safely to my destination.
Getting onto the airplane was chaotic also. For whatever reason, the airport changed our boarding gate three times. I was confused by the time it came to boarding the plane.
After getting comfortable in my chair on the plane.........more chaos. Can you handle this crazy goes on and on???
A husband was sitting far away from his wife and kid. I am about to put my carry-on under the seat. This guy comes running over and in a loud voice says:" Please let me sit in your seat" What you talking about strange guy? He said he is sitting up towards the middle of the plane and he wants me to change seats so he is accross the isle from his wife. OKAY I can do that. I get up and move to my new seat.
With all the crazy things that happened at the airport, my flight was 1 hour late arriving in Kelowna. Da Prince was not there to meet me at the airport. He had waited the extra hour for my plane in his car. Eventually, he showed up inside the airport. I was SO HAPPY to see Da Prince.
Da Prince surprised me by taking me out for dinner. He said White Spot Restaurant had advertised a B.C. Salmon Steak Sandwich. I said..."Eww White Spot....everytime I go to a White Spot Restaurant they are out of items on the menu or they mess up my order. But I will give White Spot one more try".
Pull up to the White Spot and go inside. We sit down and order our Salmon Steak Sandwich. The server says........"so sorry we don't have the Salmon Steak Sandwich, you have to go to the Triple O Restaurant". The Triple O is related to the White Spot. So we hop back into the car and cruise over to the Triple O Restaurant. Bad news, the Triple O we went too is out of the Salmon Steak Sandwich. Now what? I am hungry for fish/seafood.
How about we go to Lord Chumley's Fish Restaurant. Closed.......growl. Over to the British Fish and Chips Restaurant. No luck........they are closed too.......growl. Oh look..........we just went past another Triple O and it is open. We go in to the Triple O and they have Salmon Steak Sandwich.
Let me tell you the Salmon Steak Sandwich was too die for. It was worth the hassle. The good news.........I didn't have to eat at a White Spot Restaurant.
Next blog: The Adventurous Trip To Pick Up the New Kitty The Day After My Experience At The Airport.
Racing was exciting Sunday. AJ finished 1st. PT almost finished second. But OH NO.......PT crashed 1 corner from the finish line..........1 corner away from a win. PAINFUL, but an entertaining race.

AJ the winner, picked up PT after his crash and drove PT to the pits.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Where am I going, you ask? I am heading in the direction of Da Prince's house. And then I am heading to Vancouver area to pick up my precious new baby kitty. (Pictures to follow next week)
And it is race weekend also. Sunday, August 13th @ Denver. Remember to be sitting at your tv's @ 1:30 pm. It is sure to be an exciting race!!!! Results of the race to follow Monday morning.

Talk with you soon :)
Monday, August 07, 2006
How about this? "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." (Matthew 7:12)
Someone out there.......Watch out!!!! I am on to your game!!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
I have to take my car in for new tires........the highlight of the weekend.
Stay safe on the roads.
Hi to Cherie, Steve, Ashley and Brooklyn. My brother and his family came for a visit this week. They took me out for lunch........we had a good visit. Safe travels back to Saskatoon.