The golf course is officially open. Which means............I get up, shower and wander over to the clubhouse and meet my adoring customers. Today is suppose to be a warm day, so it will be very busy at the clubhouse and golf course. Which means my day will go by fast.
It is a sad day today. Da Prince left me. He is cruising back to BC to work there. When will I see da prince again? How will I survive without him by my side? Who am I going to torment now? My heart is breaking. I miss him already. My eyes are blood shot from crying.

Sad news: My precious baby kitty is sick. He has a hairball stuck inside him and he cannot eat solids. I am hand feeding him some stuff that will dissolve the hairball and I am hand feeding him water and soft food. He has lost 10 pounds in two weeks. I hope he makes it through this crisis.
Now for some good news. The Calgary Flames hockey team Rock!!! They have won their last 2 games.......which means there will have a spot in the play offs.
Paul Tracy, canadian Champ Car racer, first race is Sunday. I am so excited that racing season is finally under way for the season. On July 21-23, I am going to see Paul Tracy race live in Edmonton, Alberta......vrm vrm.
Next weekend is Easter. I love Easter. Celebrating the good news of God and of course o-d-ing on chocolate easter bunnies. In exactly 6 days, my sister and two nephews are coming to spend easter weekend with me and my cats. I can't wait to be with my little sister!!!
In 20 days, the kids, maybe I should be saying.............the grown up kids,(Stuarts' daughter, son-in-law, 2 grand children)........are moving back home. It will be exciting to meet them as they come off the plane at Vancouver April 28th.
Hope all of you have a great weekend.
YEAH I cannot wait to see you, its been awhile, i am very very excited to go to cow town and hang out with you : ) I cannot fill the void you have in your heart for stuart, but the company will be marvelous, and oh yeah you always cook such great things, yummie. cya soon sis. xoxoxo
hmm... maybe all I need to do is get a hairball stuck in my throat and I'll lose 10 pounds in two weeks too! I hope your kitty feels better soon. :)
These next few weeks until our arrival are going to fly by...
Sharon, I agree the company will be great!! Along with the shopping, eating, drinking and of course indulging in CHOCOLATE. Get here asap...........I miss you!!!
P.S. Please bring 3 bottles of S'toon Wine from the specialty store.
Good news: Elijah Blue(baby kitty) has deposited presents for me all over the house while I was at work today. Yes he brought up his hair balls.......I think the crisis is over. And he was able to go potty finally.
Dawn, I think losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks would be a bonus.
The count down is on...only 20 more sleeps until you arrive.
More good news: My friend that is a Flight Attendant @ Air Canada has given me her buddy passes. That means I can fly anytime for cheap. Maybe? just maybe? I will be able to see da prince this summer after all?
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