Everyone....this is Elijah Blue, my angel. He is very very sick. I just took him to the vet. My Blue kitty has turned yellow. He has fatty liver disorder.
He needs a miracle. The vet gave him i.v. so Blue has some vitamins in his system. The vet showed me how to force feed Blue. The vet said if he starts to eat by himself in 5 days then he will survive. If he does not eat by himself, he has to be put down in one week. I have to go back to the vet's office Monday and get Blue weighed to see if he is gaining weight. Also, if Blue starts to throw up from the food I am force feeding him, then he has to be put down immediately.
The vet said two things could of caused the problem. Blue missed me when I went again so he refused to eat. It only takes 3 days of not eating for a cat to go into fatty liver disorder. Or he had a fevor while I was gone and stopped eating. How sad :o(
Da Prince has offered to come help me with the sick kitty. I have to work the next 3 days and not home to force feed Blue every 2 hours. What an amazing guy Da Prince is. He loves and cares for us completely. We are blessed!!!!
Easter weekend was great!! My sister and two nephews arrived Thursday evening. We had so much fun. My sister spoiled me with a bouquet of 25 long stemmed pink roses and a bouquet of iris'. I have a favorite chinese food restaurant in Saskatoon. She brought me 3, did you get that? 3 huge containers of chinese food. I love when my baby sister comes for a visit.

My aunt and uncle from Red Deer and my cousin met us all for drinks and a visit over the weekend. Nice to see everyone again.
I have to head off to work now. Please keep Elijah Blue covered in prayer. I love him so much and do not want to lose him.
My angel just could not fight his liver disorder........so Monday at noon, Blue will be laid to rest. Following we will find a special place to bury him. He will be missed :o( . My heart is broken.
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