Thursday, June 29, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

Last years winner was my man "Paul Tracy". Good luck P.T. Stay safe and win first place!!!
Only 28 more sleeps until the Edmonton race. Can't wait!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
She was born in Saskatoon on May 27th. She is a Blue-Cream Point Himalayan. She will be ready to pick up in 7 weeks. I will post new pictures of her as she grows.

1 week old
3 weeks old (June 20)
This is what she will probably look like all grown up. Her eyes are a pretty blue, but you cant' see it in the pictures.
Think we are gonna call her "Skye Blue" Bell.
I am saying my prayers that Rocky, our older Flame Point Himalayn cat will like his new roommate.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Group Picture

The Stanley Cup was finally hoisted by veteran captain Rod Brind'Amour
Sunday, June 18, 2006
A new team mate was added to Paul Tracy's team. Meet A.J. Allmendinger .

Wishing Paul a first place finish and a safe race. Wishing A.J. a second place finish and a safe race. I will be glued to my tv set cheering loudly.

Thursday, June 15, 2006
It's my birthday.............woo hoo. I started celebrating yesterday. Sharilin took me to Red Lobster for a HUGE lunch. We had a blast and stuffed ourselves with appetizers, cheese bisquits and of course shrimp and crab.Then we went shopping. Thank you for a good time Kiddo!!!
This is my favorite birthday cake. Strawberry shortcake, but I like chocolate drizzled on it too!!
Sharilin got off work early and it is raining here, so I don't have to go to work on my birthday. Sharilin is coming over and we are gonna eat Chinese Food and watch a movie.
On Friday Da Prince will be here to celebrate my birthday. We are going to go wine and dine and go to a movie. Can't ask for a better date. Da Prince already gave me my birthday present last month. It was a Pink Ribbon Day Timer and matching Lipstick holder I have wanted for a long long time.
UPDATE: I decided that I wanted to go to Peter' s Drive-In for a huge burger instead of fine dining. It was so nice outside, and food tastes so much better outside at a picnic table.
On Saturday, June 16th, the staff at the Golf Course helped celebrate my birthday. This birthday is going on forever. I am liking it.
This is a praying garden frog with wings I received as a gift.
This is a pink rose I received as a gift. It came with a glass coke bottle, for my coke collection in my office.
I love pink, so Kim decided that I needed a pink cream cheese cake. The inside cake was cherry and almond.........delicious. On the outside of the cake it was decorated with candy frogs and smarties. How amazing is that?
Thank you everyone........it was a great birthday!!!
Monday, June 12, 2006

This is a card that was hand delivered to me from the staff at the Vet Clinic where Elijah Blue was treated. I would say that this is going the extra mile and LOVE in action. The staff at the Vet Clinic were patient as I had to make the decision to put Elijah Blue down. They explained the procedure so there was no suprises as Blue passed on. They cleaned up Blue for me and packed him in a box with a blanket and plastic so that I was able to go have a funeral for my baby.
Instead of the Vet and staff treating the death as a procedure, an every day thing, a way to make a living, they wrapped me with compassion, hugs and love. And to honor Blue, they donated their hard earned money in his name to the Morris Animal Foundation. I cried when I was handed the card and read it. Someone would do that for me in my time of grief? AMAZING!!!
One more "Love One Another" story.
My mother is an active alcoholic. She is totally out of control and there isn't a thing anyone can do about it. Well not true.
Let me tell you about my little sister,step brother,AA,Da Prince, family friends, and endless family members that have gone the extra mile to try and save my Mother from herself.
Each person has taken my mom prepared meals. Gone and got groceries for her house. Taken her to the hospital, only to realize my mom didn't want to stay at the hosptial or detox centre.Stopped her from drinking and driving. Prayed non stop for her sobriety. Each person has had to deal with a belligerent rant from my mom. Some have had to deal with my mom injured from a fall in her place, then take her for medical care.
All in all, all these wonderful people continue to love this drunk and stay by her side. They remember that underneath there is a person that once upon a time was sober and a good person. These great people reach out to my sister and myself with support, encouragement and love. To all of you I say "THANK YOU!!"
To Sharon (my little sis), I am sorry that I live so far away. But I am thankful you are there. The endless time and love you invest into people is a testimony to the BIG HEART you have. Never change...........you are perfect the way you are. I LOVE YOU!
Monday, June 05, 2006

Most colorectal cancer starts in the cells that line the inside of the colon or the rectum. The colon and rectum are part of your digestive system, where food is changed into energy and the body rids itself of waste matter.
The colon (known as the large bowel or large intestine) joins the small intestine to the rectum. Food moves from the stomach to the small intestine, where your body continues to break it down. When food is completely digested, it moves from the small intestine into the colon, where water is removed. The last part of the colon is known as the rectum. This is where waste is stored. When you have a bowel movement, waste leaves the body through the opening called the anus.
Cancer of the small intestine is very rare, so when people talk about bowel cancer, they usually mean colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer for both men and women in Canada.

To help raise funds for Laurie's treatment and for The Tom Baker Cancer Center(Canadian), a silent auction was held, along with personal pledges from friends and family members.Head shaving was the feature of the fund raiser. And a hamburger stand was set up. Anyone wanting to make a financial contribution can contact me at: shebell41@hotmail.com .
These are the brave ones that shaved their facial hair and heads.
Hair gone............after pictures. Aren't they all cute with bald heads?
The event is over for today. But the cause is on- going. Please prayer for Laurie and for a cure to be found for Colon Cancer. Let's do our part by giving generously.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Hey guys,
I am going to be doing the CIBC Run for the Cure this October 1st!! It's a definite way to raise awareness and support for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. As most of you know, I have been personally touched by Breast Cancer (my mom), and it is a cause that is close to my heart. Finally it seems that things have settled a little in my life that I will be able to do the Run for the Cure this year. If anyone is interested in joining me or donating please let me know! My email address is: miss_shoe@hotmail.com .
I haven't registered as of yet, but am planning to do so next week. So if you'd like to join me, please do! The prizes for raising money are awesome, plus just knowing you're doing something for a great cause is a great motivator. If you'd like to check out some info on the Run or just Breast Cancer itself check out: https://www.cibcrunforthecure.com http://www.cbcf.org)
I am proud of you Sharilin for taking up this cause. I will help you with the fundraising and volunteer at the run. See you there!! Sorry I am not able to run with you.
If that wasn't enough excitement, my friends at the golf course (I work with), informed me that someone is participating in the "Weekend to End Breast Cancer" again. Each walker for this 60 kilometer walk needs to raise a minimun of $2000.00. I hope to be a volunteer at the event this year as a way to support and thank my golf course friends. You have all been beside me from the time of diagnois to recovery with love and support.
What is the Weekend to End Breast Cancer?The Weekend to End Breast Cancer is simply this - an awesome life changing adventure. During one amazing weekend, July 28-30, 2006 (not the August long weekend), thousands of women and men will unite in Calgary to walk 60 kilometres in a bold display of courage and commitment. It’s a weekend of hope, as we honour lives lost, celebrate survivors, and help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it. This extraordinary weekend is about finding the hero in yourself and discovering strength you never knew you had. The money you raise will benefit the Alberta Cancer Foundation, a leader in the fight against cancer at the Tom Baker Cancer Center and throughout Alberta One in every nine Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Maybe someone in your life has been affected - your mother, sister, wife, daughter, son, or a friend. The Weekend to End Breast Cancer is your chance to go the distance in the fight against this disease; it’s your chance to be a hero for someone you love or someone you may never even meet.
Anyone of you blogger fans, friends and family members wanting to donate to this cause, can email me at shebell41@hotmail.com
Ladies, "One in every nine Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer". A monthly self breast exam is essential for your health. Help us all find a cure for this disease......give of your time and money

Racing fans....okay my fans;this is my man, Paul Tracy in 2005 Milwaukee race kissing the Roadrunner. He won first place. PT rocks!!! And he is Canadian!!!
Wishing you well this weekend, best looking race driver in the world. Only 49 more sleeps until the Edmonton race, and then we will meet and chat. Stay safe.
Paul Tracy - DNF - #3 INDECK Ford-Cosworth/Bridgestone/Lola
"It's very frustrating; this is the second time that Mario and I touched in four races. I saw Mario and Bruno go into Turn 3 side by side and they were very close, they touched and started spinning and I did my best to avoid it. I went in between them and I thought I was going to have enough room. Mario was in a slow spin and he barely touched me, I floored the gas pedal to try to keep if off the wall but it didn't work and I smacked the wall and that was it for the weekend."
Ahh....not a good racing weekend for my man Paul Tracy. Better luck next time.