Thank you. We did it! WOW!(July 29 & 30, 2006) Thanks to 2,140 participants and the generous support of donors like you, the 2006 Weekend to End Breast Cancer™ in Calgary was a huge success. Together we raised 6,000,000 dollars to make a difference in the fight to end this disease, so we thank you 6,000,000 times. Proceeds from The Weekend will help the Alberta Cancer Foundation fund critical research, screening programs and patient programs. So, on behalf of our researchers, medical specialists, patients and families at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre and throughout Alberta, thank YOU for making The Weekend such a spectacular success. Because you stepped up to help, thousands of Albertans will benefit and generations to come will know a cancer-free future.
Of course, our fight to end breast cancer does not end here. The Alberta Cancer Foundation has long term goals that require long term funding so we'll be back in 2007!
Why not consider joining us next year as a Walker! You already know about The Weekend and what an incredible impact it makes, so why not walk the walk yourself? (From the Alberta Cancer Board Press Release, July 31, 2006).
I went for my mammogram this month and got good tumors, lumps or bumps. Almost 3 years in remission. October 14th I will be having a HUGE celebration as that is the day the cancer was removed from my body for ever!!! Ladies "A Must Do"....monthly self exam.