Wiarton Willy
In Canada the name of the groundhog that is used to predict the length of winter is Wiarton Willy. Wiarton Willy is a very rare albino groundhog with white hair and pink eyes and can not see very well. The Legend of Wiarton Willy.......In the deep dark ages of antiquity (1956 or there about) the ancient rituals of Candlemas were replaced by the celebrations of Williemas. A secret emissary of three wise groundhogs had broken hibernation to bring the glad tidings to the small community of Oliphant. There in a shack on the shores of Lake Huron they found Mac McKenzie anticipating a message of great import.
The three wise groundhogs named Grundoon, Muldoon, and Sand Dune told Mac of the birth of a white groundhog who would for ever alter the world of weather prognostication. He would be recognized by his white coat and pink eyes and his unfailing ability to correctly predict the remaining course of each winter. He would emerge each February 2nd and pronounce his predictions only to those who spoke the ancient tongue of Groundhogese.
With a joyful heart and the help of revelling friends Mac went forth and spread the great news. Thus from the simple message delivered on Williemas eve to the grateful residents of Oliphant has grown the true meaning of winter...."Party On" ~ Copyright 1999 Wiarton Willie
In Canada the name of the groundhog that is used to predict the length of winter is Wiarton Willy. Wiarton Willy is a very rare albino groundhog with white hair and pink eyes and can not see very well. The Legend of Wiarton Willy.......In the deep dark ages of antiquity (1956 or there about) the ancient rituals of Candlemas were replaced by the celebrations of Williemas. A secret emissary of three wise groundhogs had broken hibernation to bring the glad tidings to the small community of Oliphant. There in a shack on the shores of Lake Huron they found Mac McKenzie anticipating a message of great import.
The three wise groundhogs named Grundoon, Muldoon, and Sand Dune told Mac of the birth of a white groundhog who would for ever alter the world of weather prognostication. He would be recognized by his white coat and pink eyes and his unfailing ability to correctly predict the remaining course of each winter. He would emerge each February 2nd and pronounce his predictions only to those who spoke the ancient tongue of Groundhogese.
With a joyful heart and the help of revelling friends Mac went forth and spread the great news. Thus from the simple message delivered on Williemas eve to the grateful residents of Oliphant has grown the true meaning of winter...."Party On" ~ Copyright 1999 Wiarton Willie
Guess what? Guess what? Oops I got side tracked with the groundhog story. Back to the question: guess what?
Today was a day I was dreading. I had an appointment at the Tom Baker Cancer Clinic. I was growly and stressed waiting for that appointed time.
The Oncologist and assistant doctors at the clinic tend to be moody and often give me a lecture about the treatment plan I have chosen to control my breast cancer.
I chose no chemo and no radiation. I chose to have a mastectomy and reconstruction. I chose to take an estrogen blocking drug for 5 years.And I chose to have a yearly mammogram for life. I prayed and prayed for God's direction for my life and my health plan. I heard God promise me a miracle. I heard him say to me I will heal you. So I faithfully chose to get well God's way instead of the Western Medical way.
Last year a lump was discovered on the opposite breast. I had it surgically removed and analyzed. God again performed a miracle. The lump was non-cancerous!!!
I forgot to tell you a part of my cancer story. When I discovered a tumor in my right breast, I went to a doctor. The first doctor I saw said to me:"There is no hope for you. You have a huge tumor and it is cancerous." I said: "There is always hope. You wait, I will prove you wrong Doctor." Then I was sent to a Radiologist to have a mammogram. The Radiologist developed the film,came in and told me I had breast cancer, and had no hope. NO HOPE.............I do not believe that for a moment(was my reply).
Today, God's miracle was confirmed again. I got a new doctor at the cancer clinic today. She was a fabulous woman and a good doctor. She did an examination on me. Then she said this to me:"Sheila, you have been cancer free for 2 years. You don't need to be at the cancer clinic anymore.We are discharging you from the clinic. You are no longer considered a high risk for more cancer. Rather you are a low risk and in remission."
Did you read that? I am healed. Healed by the Great Physician...THE LORD. I am shouting the good news loudly. I am calling my family and friends. I am going to have a glass of wine to celebrate the good news. WOO HOO. And I am praising HIM.

This is my discharge papers...............I am free.............cancer free. I am going to frame the paper and hang it up on the wall in my office. I am considering it my: Degree of Breast Health.
Thanks for listening to my story. Ladies always do a breast self examination, monthly. It will save your life. And finally a good fitting bra is a MUST. For information on bra fitting, go to:
Answer the yesterday's joke: Hop in.
Joke of the day:
What do frogs do with paper?
Question of the day?
Can you learn to read from a "Reading for Dummies" book?
congratulations!! That is certainly good news and such a testimony of God's promises, faithfulness and healing!
Thank you for sharing your story :)
Totally hysterical that you linked to my blog regarding proper bra fitting! haha
It is mind blogging understanding why some(like myself) beat breast cancer and others die from it quickly. When I was at the Cancer Clinic today, I saw 2 different women come out of the visit with the doctor; crying and sad.I am assuming they got bad news? All I could do was pray for them at that moment.
God's got a great plan for my life. In fact for each one of us. That is the only answer I understand why I am alive today and getting healthy.
It is my pleasure Dawn to link your blog from this blog.........may you get a million visitors. Get out the tape measure.......your bloggers will need help with the bra fitting! hehe
Congratulations "Big Sis",
I thank god everyday for bringing you into my life...who else would allow me to complain about your pesky brother, nightly? lol
You left your faith in God's hands and everyone's prayers and proved to others that you do not need to poison your body to beat cancer...I look forward to reading your book!
Unfortunately today I am gonna have to kick your ground hog in the butt and tell him I am sitting in a foot of fresh snow today at -23....early spring in Saskatchewan I don't think so.
Lots of hugs and kisses
your "Baby Sis"
Congrats Mom! I am super happy for you. I know that you prove that lame a$$ doctor wrong!
Lot o' Love
Guess what Muppet? That mean I will be around to torment you for the rest of your life and torment all the grandkids you give birth too. I am loving that!!!
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