We decided to stop in at Denny's to visit and eat. Had a wonderful visit with the GM and scored a staff shirt and menu for a souvenir. Hawaii Denny's and Calgary Denny's have many different items on the menu. Strange to see birds flying in and out of the restaurant.
Next, a picnic and sun tanning at a beach.
SURPRISE was waiting for us at the beach. Can you guess what it was?
Okay I will tell you............say please first.
We saw a Hawaiian Monk Seal sleeping on the beach. There is only 1200 of these species left, making them an endangered species. He stayed on the beach until after sun set. It was breath taking to witness.

*Pictures from Stuart*
For more information see the above site.
Honu's were everywhere .

A new pet in our yard. Meet Froggy the Frog. Isn't he cute?

Sun set
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